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U of T de-recognizes Duncan Campbell Scott for role in the Indigenous residential school system

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Poet was honoured in 1921 for contributions to literature

The University of Toronto is de-recognizing the late Duncan Campbell Scott, who was awarded an honorary degree in 1921, following the submission of a formal petition.

In 2023, U of T established the Standing Committee on Recognition to review requests to re-assess the honours and distinctions conferred by the university. Once the committee reaches a recommendation, it is advanced to the president and provost and, if they agree, to governance via the Committee for Honorary Degrees.

The standing committee unanimously recommended that Scott be de-recognized through a process identified under its principles and processes as “contextualization” – illuminating the contentious or problematic legacy of the honoree. It further recommended that the university acknowledge its own complicity in awarding the honorary degree in 1921.

“We are grateful to the faculty, students, staff and alumni – including Indigenous and legal scholars – who serve on the standing committee for their careful research, diligent deliberations and thoughtful advice,” said Meric Gertler, U of T president. “Taking this step acknowledges the horrific impact of residential schools, the individual role of Scott and the collective failures of the university, the federal government and Canadian society.”

Scott received an honorary doctor of literature degree in recognition of his contributions to Canadian literature as part of a group of English-language poets known as the “poets of Confederation.” However, he also served in the federal Department of Indian Affairs from 1879 to 1932.

“Scott served 19 years as the highest unelected official in the department: deputy superintendent general,” said Shannon Simpson, senior director of U of T’s Office of Indigenous Initiatives and a member representing administrative staff on the Committee for Honorary Degrees. “In that role, he was responsible for the expansion and entrenchment of the Indian residential school system.”

In making its recommendation, Simpson said the standing committee relied heavily on its own research examining source material as well as the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, and the content of the petition.

As part of the de-recognition, a statement contextualizing Scott’s legacy was read into the record at U of T’s Governing Council meeting on Feb. 27. It has been added to the records of the Governing Council Secretariat and the public record of honorary degree recipients:

Duncan Campbell Scott’s legacy is fundamentally at odds with the University’s mission and values, in particular its commitment to human rights, equity and justice. His life’s work is inextricably intertwined with the devastating history of Canada’s residential schools. He presided over the expansion of the residential school system, authorizing the use of coercion and force in defiance of both legal opinion and court ruling. Despite the clear evidence of the terrible conditions and ‘startling death rolls’ in the schools, Scott and others in the government took insufficient measures to protect the health and wellbeing of the children in their care.  

These actions reveal an abhorrent disregard on the part of Scott (and Canada) for the fundamental human rights of Indigenous populations, and especially Indigenous children. In awarding Scott an honorary degree, the University of Toronto also failed to respect the human rights of Indigenous peoples and was complicit in the harms inflicted upon them. The University acknowledges and profoundly regrets its complicity. The University also recognizes that the effects of this odious history are still being felt today and it recommits to reconciliation.

“Acknowledging the brutality of Scott’s legacy and the collective institutional failures on the part of the federal government and the university is necessary to uphold the university’s commitment to its fundamental mission and values,” President Gertler said. “This aligns with the university’s commitments to reconciliation and follows the university’s response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Answering the Call, Wecheehetowin.”

On the recommendation of the standing committee, de-recognition will consist of contextualizing Scott’s honorary degree rather than rescinding it. The approach calls attention to the horrific history of residential schools and acknowledges the university’s complicity in the harm they created.  

“The university will establish a working group by spring 2025 that will carry out several educational initiatives about this de-recognition, such as an archival or artistic exhibition, a conference or symposium, and a student scholarship. This is an opportunity for reflection and action – and this work will be carried out in collaboration with U of T’s Office of Indigenous Initiatives,” said Trevor Young, U of T vice-president and provost.

“De-recognition is a significant measure,” said Wes Hall, U of T chancellor and chair of the Committee for Honorary Degrees. “Individuals who receive honorary degrees from U of T are meant to inspire our graduates, and their legacy should be one of honour and distinction to the university, without having caused harm. This decision reflects our commitment to reconciliation and upholding the values that define our institution.”

Courtesy of UofT News

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